Texas Ranks #2 For the Most Medical Malpractice Claims
Texas medical malpractice statistics show that Texas ranked second among the top 10 U.S. states with the most medical malpractice claims filed in 2022 – over 3,500 – according to the U.S. National Practitioner Data Bank. The average medical malpractice settlement payout in Texas that year was around $252,800.
More than 1,800 adverse action reports have already been submitted to the NPDB during the first six months of 2023. That’s why more than ever, we advise Texas physicians and surgeons to review their medical malpractice insurance policies and carrier choice.
Whether you need advice, a new policy, a renewal, or tail insurance, our independent MEDPLI insurance brokers will help you secure strong coverage from an “A” rated carrier for your specialty and practice in Texas.
Texas Medical Malpractice by the Numbers
The data supporting the volume of Texas’ medical malpractice claims and payouts was analyzed by the National Practitioner Data Bank. The NPDB provides a multiple-year overview of each state’s medical malpractice activity, including the number of Adverse Action Reports (AAR) or claims, and number of Medical Malpractice Payment Reports or payouts/settlements. The data covers 18 unique practitioner titles for a total of 93,179 total unique NPDB practitioners.
Texas Medical Malpractice Data
1990 to June 30, 2023
All Practitioner Types
Adverse Action Reports | 104,314 |
Medical Malpractice Payment Reports | 29,737 |
Total Payment Amount | $5,296.87M* |
Physicians Only
Adverse Action Reports | 335 |
Medical Malpractice Payment Reports | 411 |
Total Payment Amount | $104.40M |
2023 as of June 30
Physicians Only
Adverse Action Reports | 114 |
Medical Malpractice Payment Reports | 190 |
Total Payment Amount | $46.31M |
*The unique practitioner categories of Physicians and Doctors of Osteopathic accounted for $4,629.03M of the Total Payment Amount of $5,296.87M.
Even looking at the most current NPDB data for Texas MDs and Doctors of Osteopathic alone, the numbers depict Texas physicians at a higher risk of being sued for medical malpractice.
Why The Higher Volume of Texas Medical Malpractice Cases?
According to data from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, the state is at risk of a shortage of surgical specialists by 2025. So Texas is recruiting physicians and surgeons to meet the demand for high-risk specialties – including plastic surgery, bariatric surgery, orthopedics, and OB/GYN.
The potentially severe intraoperative patient injuries and post-operative complications in these specialty procedures are among the most often cited in medical malpractice allegations. For example, plastic surgery procedures most often performed in Texas include gluteal fat grafting or buttock lift. Also known as the Brazilian Butt Lift, this procedure has the highest death rate at 1 in 3,000 than for any other cosmetic or aesthetic surgery, according to a review of closed medical malpractice claims by “A” rated carrier The Doctors Company.
MEDPLI insurance brokers stay current with changes to the Texas medical malpractice laws, statutes of limitations, and tort reforms that could affect claim volume and damage caps. We’re here to ensure that you get the right amount of coverage at the best price for your specialty. We also obtain quotes from the leading Texas medical malpractice insurance carriers rated “A” by AM Best for their financial solvency and robust legal support of policy holders.
High-Payout Texas Medical Malpractice Cases
Facing a medical malpractice lawsuit in Texas without robust malpractice insurance could be financially devastating to your practice. The following are just a few examples of Texas medical malpractice cases that were settled out of court over the past three years:
$11,560,000 Jury Verdict
A female patient alleged that the surgeon and surgical team failed to notice a post-surgical neck hematoma before discharging her after cervical fusion surgery. She suffered an anoxic brain injury as a result of a compromised airway, resulting in permanent brain damage.
$4,850,000 Settlement
It was alleged that the OB/GYN provider failed to detect and respond to fetal distress, and failed to order a C-section in a timely manner. The child developed hypoxia and ischemia, resulting in permanent brain damage.
$2,400,000 Settlement
A malpractice claim was made against members of a surgical team, which included a plastic surgeon, alleging improper performance of craniofacial surgery to correct Crouzon’s syndrome, a rare genetic condition that prevents a child’s skull from growing properly. The patient lost an eye as a complication of the surgery.
Now is the time to ensure that you are protected against financial loss if you are sued for malpractice in Texas. Trust MEDPLI for your Texas Medical Malpractice Insurance needs.
Texas medical malpractice claims and payouts were already on the rise during the first six months of 2023. Now is the time to ensure that you are protected against high financial loss if you are sued for malpractice in Texas.
If you are a Texas physician or surgeon – or planning to open a practice in Texas – let MEDPLI be your only trusted broker to help you find robust coverage at the best policy rate in Texas.
Whether you need a new policy, a renewal, or tail insurance, our independent MEDPLI insurance brokers will help you secure coverage from an “A” rated carrier for your specialty and practice in Texas. Have questions? Reach out to an independent MEDPLI insurance broker for answers and a quote now.