Malpractice Insurance

Max Schloemann’s 2021 Medical Malpractice Insurance Predictions Featured on Managed Healthcare Executive

By |2021-03-30T20:00:42-05:00January 29th, 2021|Malpractice Insurance, Telemedicine|

MEDPLI’s founder and independent medical malpractice insurance broker Max Schloemann was recently published on the Managed Healthcare Executive website. His article, titled “Medical Malpractice Insurance Planning for a Healthy Practice in 2021” breaks down what practitioners can expect of the liability insurance landscape in 2021. Max warns that providers should expect an increase [...]

2020 South Carolina Doctors Buying Guide to Medical Malpractice Insurance

By |2024-08-12T05:12:41-05:00December 21st, 2020|Malpractice Insurance, South Carolina, State Buying Guides, Tail Insurance|

Get A Quote South Carolina Medical Professional Liability Insurance Market Summary Doctors in South Carolina have several good options for medical liability insurance. The best insurers in the state are: The Doctors Company Aspen American Insurance Company Medical Protective MagMutual [...]

The Top 5 States to Consider when Starting a Surgical Private Practice

By |2021-03-30T19:58:46-05:00November 17th, 2020|California, Florida, Georgia, Malpractice Insurance, State Buying Guides, Texas, Virginia|

Physicians looking to practice in a more relaxed atmosphere may be considering opening their own private surgical practice. According to the American Medical Association, close to 46% of practicing physicians owned their own practices in 2018. Additionally, nearly 65% of surgical subspecialists own their practices, as do 54% of ob-gyns. Although the trend [...]

4 New Telemedicine Tips from the Joint Commission’s Safety Advisory

By |2021-03-30T19:55:54-05:00October 21st, 2020|Malpractice Insurance, Telemedicine|

The Joint Commission just released its new safety advisory detailing actions for telemedicine best practices in the midst of a pandemic. Here are tips on how to protect yourself and your patients. To help physicians manage the exponential increase in providing telemedicine services to patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, The Joint Commission [...]

3 Big Takeaways from The Doctors Company Report on Telemedicine

By |2023-03-01T21:01:21-06:00August 17th, 2020|Malpractice Insurance, Telemedicine|

The Doctors Company recently released its report on the future of telemedicine. Here are MEDPLI’s 3 big takeaways from the report. The Doctors Company recently released its report on the future of telemedicine, Your Patient Is Logging on Now: The Risks and Benefits of Telehealth in the Future of Healthcare. The [...]

Texas Physicians 2023 Buying Guide to Medical Malpractice Insurance

By |2024-08-12T05:14:30-05:00August 10th, 2020|Malpractice Insurance, State Buying Guides, Tail Insurance, Texas|

Get A Quote Texas Medical Professional Liability Insurance Market Summary Doctors in Texas have a handful of good options for medical malpractice insurance. The top insurers are: The Doctors Company Medical Protective (MedPro) TMLT Norcal Mutual Insurance Company ProAssurance [...]

What do you do when your medical malpractice coverage is non-renewed, cancelled, or skyrockets?

By |2021-03-30T19:48:36-05:00July 27th, 2020|Consulting, Malpractice Insurance|

Your medical malpractice coverage can suddenly be canceled or drastically increase in cost for many reasons, which we discuss in this post. If you find yourself dropped or priced-out by your current insurer, MEDPLI has the expertise to quickly get you a policy from an A-rated insurer no matter what your circumstances are. [...]

Oregon: Medical Malpractice Requirements, Insurance Rates, and Insurance Payout Data

By |2021-08-12T16:09:42-05:00July 22nd, 2020|Malpractice Insurance|

Oregon: Medical Malpractice Insurance Requirements for 2020 Oregon carries no legal requirement that doctors carry medical malpractice insurance. Though there is no legal requirement, most hospitals in Oregon require that doctors have malpractice coverage in order to treat patients. Oregon’s state constitution prohibits caps on non-economic damages in personal injury cases, but [...]

Washington: Medical Malpractice Requirements, Insurance Rates, and Insurance Payout Data

By |2021-08-12T16:10:48-05:00July 15th, 2020|Malpractice Insurance|

Washington: Medical Malpractice Insurance Requirements for 2020 The state of Washington does not require that doctors and physicians carry medical malpractice insurance. However, there is no cap on damages, and the state is legally required to collect information from doctors about medical malpractice insurance claims. As it is with most hospitals and [...]

Pennsylvania: Medical Malpractice Requirements, Insurance Rates, and Insurance Payout Data

By |2021-08-12T16:12:26-05:00June 30th, 2020|Malpractice Insurance|

Pennsylvania: Medical Malpractice Insurance Requirements for 2020 Pennsylvania has the MCARE Act, which requires all practicing doctors to carry medical malpractice insurance. The MCARE Fund mandates proof of coverage, and if evidence of insurance is not received, it has the obligation to report the health care provider to the appropriate licensing board [...]

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