Malpractice Insurance

MEDPLI Carrier Spotlight -The Doctors Company

By |2023-02-20T23:59:19-06:00October 14th, 2021|Carrier Spotlight, Malpractice Insurance|

As an independent medical malpractice insurance broker and founder of MEDPLI, it’s my mission to make finding medical malpractice insurance as easy as possible for doctors, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals. This means recommending solutions solely from the market’s top-rated carriers, so that my clients get the most protection for their money. Below, [...]

What is an Eroding or Wasting Medical Malpractice Insurance Policy?

By |2021-07-30T15:59:35-05:00July 30th, 2021|Malpractice Insurance|

When choosing a medical malpractice insurance policy, it's important to determine if the policy is eroding or non-eroding. Find out the difference and which policy is best for doctors below. What is An Eroding or Wasting Policy? If you have ever been involved in a medical malpractice insurance lawsuit, [...]

Occurrence vs Claims-Made Malpractice Insurance – What’s the Difference?

By |2024-11-06T10:43:08-06:00July 22nd, 2021|Claims-Made Insurance, Malpractice Insurance, Occurrence Insurance|

When given the choice between occurrence and claims-made malpractice insurance policies, it's critical that doctors understand the benefits and limitations of each option. This guide explains the differences between occurrence and claims-made malpractice insurance and will help you decide which choice is right for you. What is the Main Difference Between an [...]

Tail Insurance Information for Doctors Changing Jobs

By |2021-06-22T20:10:28-05:00June 22nd, 2021|Malpractice Insurance, Tail Insurance|

Doctors changing jobs need affordable Malpractice Tail Coverage solutions. When a doctor decides to leave a practice, the cost of tail insurance can be a significant expense and sometimes, a painful surprise. MEDPLI supports individual doctors by shopping the standalone tail marketplace for the best available coverage, alternative to the [...]

Why Did My Medical Malpractice Insurance Rate Increase?

By |2022-06-07T13:44:14-05:00June 9th, 2021|Malpractice Insurance|

Wondering why your medical malpractice insurance rate increased? You're not alone. Read below for 4 possible reasons why your insurance rate is now more expensive. #1 Overall Market Conditions at the Macro-level Doctors’ medical malpractice insurance rates are rising in 2021 due to increasing healthcare liability defense costs and larger [...]

Medical Malpractice Insurance for Doctors New To Practice

By |2021-10-14T18:32:58-05:00June 9th, 2021|Malpractice Insurance|

Medical Malpractice Insurance for Young MDs and DOs While in residency or fellowship, you probably never needed to concern yourself with medical malpractice insurance. You are now practicing medicine in an imperfect world, and the risk of litigation for medical malpractice insurance is real – around 60% of doctors are sued at [...]

Max Schloemann Featured by Physicians Practice on Coding & Billing Malpractice Risk

By |2022-07-28T15:21:58-05:00June 3rd, 2021|Malpractice Insurance, News|

Max Schloemann, founder of MEDPLI, had an article published by Physicians Practice on how billing and coding oversight plays a critical role in reducing malpractice risk. No matter the size, the work that billers and coders do plays a critical role in the financial health of the practice, but the complexity and tediousness [...]

Max Schloemann Featured by Physicians Practice on Improving Communication to Avoid Malpractice Claims

By |2022-07-28T15:23:17-05:00April 21st, 2021|Malpractice Insurance, News|

Max Schloemann, independent medical malpractice insurance broker and founder of MEDPLI, recently had an article published by Physicians Practice highlighting the importance of comprehensive doctor-patient communication to avoid medical malpractice claims. As an independent malpractice insurance broker, Max has heard myriad stories from medical providers involved in malpractice suits. In this featured article, [...]

Max Schloemann Interviewed by Medical Economics about 2021 Insurance Predictions

By |2021-04-02T17:21:35-05:00April 2nd, 2021|Malpractice Insurance, News|

Max Schloemann, Founder and CEO of MEDPLI, was recently interviewed by Medical Economics on the malpractice insurance trends predicted in 2021, including cost speculation, what factors are impacting rates, and what physicians can do to find a rate and policy that is best for them. One question doctors consistently have about their malpractice insurance [...]

Max Schloemann interviewed by AM Best TV about Telemedicine

By |2021-03-30T20:01:11-05:00February 8th, 2021|Malpractice Insurance, Telemedicine|

Max Schloemann, Founder and CEO of MEDPLI, was recently interviewed by AM Best TV about his thoughts on telemedicine, telemedicine’s future growth, and what its growth means for insurance providers and physicians. “[Telemedicine] has been gaining traction now for probably the last 5 years,” Max advises when asked if telemedicine is gaining in [...]

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