MEDPLI brokers work with New York physicians and surgeons in all specialties to find the best medical malpractice insurance, carrier, and rates. But doctors with a history of multiple malpractice claims against them are most often denied coverage by the state’s top carriers such as MLMIC, EmpPro, The Doctors Company, Fair American Insurance and Reinsurance Company (FAIRCO/PRMS is for psychiatrists only), Covery RRG, and AMS RRG. New York doctors who have exhausted all possible carrier options have a last resort — the Medical Malpractice Insurance Pool of New York State (MMIP).


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Have you been refused medical malpractice coverage?

MEDPLI can help.

If you’re a New York physician or surgeon who has been denied medical malpractice insurance, don’t give up. Practicing without medical malpractice coverage can lead to severe financial consequences in the event of a lawsuit. Talk to an independent MEDPLI broker about all possible coverage options, before you go with the Pool and pay higher premiums to MMIP. Request a quote now.

New York doctors need robust liability coverage in a highly litigious state.

New York state does not require doctors to carry medical malpractice insurance. But practicing medicine in New York without coverage is like walking the high wire without a safety net. New York does not cap damages in medical malpractice lawsuits. Moreover, uninsured doctors are at the greatest risk for financial disaster in a state that consistently ranks number one for having the highest number of medical malpractice claims and amount of damages paid to plaintiffs. In the first three months of 2024 alone, medical malpractice claims totaling $110.78 million in payouts have been reported by the National Practitioner Data Bank. The year-end total in 2023 topped out at $610.58 million.

MMIP operates as a medical malpractice insurance pool (“the pool”) created by all authorized insurers providing medical malpractice coverage in New York. It was established by the New York Superintendent of Financial Services in response to the state’s lack of tort reforms, substantial increases in medical malpractice claims, and exorbitantly high payouts to plaintiffs in medical malpractice lawsuits. By guaranteeing coverage for all doctors regardless of malpractice claims, MMIP provides incentives for doctors to continue practicing in New York’s healthcare system and helps to prevent a physician shortage in the state.

If you’ve been denied coverage by at least three private insurers, you can apply for insurance through the MMIP pool. Here are the key things to know:

  • You cannot be denied a policy by MMIP even if you have a history of multiple medical malpractice claims. Any doctor licensed to practice in New York can obtain a policy through MMIP.
  • However, you’ll pay much higher policy rates – often double, triple, or more than four times the cost of a traditional policy from a private carrier depending on your specialty and claims history.
  • All hospitals in New York accept doctors with MMIP medical malpractice insurance.


Searching for a new medical malpractice policy? MEDPLI brokers can save you time and effort.

As a New York doctor, you need robust medical malpractice insurance. If you want to try to avoid the high premiums of the Pool, you’ll want to act quickly to try to find replacement coverage if your policy has been canceled or if you have been denied coverage because of your claims history. MEDPLI brokers can save you time and effort in your search in the following ways:

  • Provide quotes for your specialty and practice locations in New York.
  • Fill out just one application form and receive a consultation with a MEDPLI broker, who will research multiple carriers, policies, and rates – a process that could take weeks or months on your own.
  • Review and compare coverage and carrier options to make an informed decision.
  • If you can obtain coverage through MEDPLI, we work with you continuously to ensure you have the best protection at the best price from the right carrier, year after year.

New York Doctors who have been non-renewed or denied coverage by other carriers can contact a MEDPLI broker for guidance. Call us at 1-800-969-1339 or email us at