State Buying Guides

Georgia Bariatric Surgeons Guide to Medical Malpractice Insurance

By |2024-08-26T14:23:39-05:00July 14th, 2023|Georgia, Malpractice Insurance, Physician Resources, State Buying Guides|

Georgia Has Greater Need for Bariatric Surgeons Nearly 31% of Georgia’s population is considered obese, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Georgia ranks 19 out of 51 U.S. states impacted by obesity and its comorbidities. As weight loss surgeries have begun to be more utilized in the [...]

2020 South Carolina Doctors Buying Guide to Medical Malpractice Insurance

By |2024-08-12T05:12:41-05:00December 21st, 2020|Malpractice Insurance, South Carolina, State Buying Guides, Tail Insurance|

Get A Quote South Carolina Medical Professional Liability Insurance Market Summary Doctors in South Carolina have several good options for medical liability insurance. The best insurers in the state are: The Doctors Company Aspen American Insurance Company Medical Protective MagMutual [...]

The Top 5 States to Consider when Starting a Surgical Private Practice

By |2021-03-30T19:58:46-05:00November 17th, 2020|California, Florida, Georgia, Malpractice Insurance, State Buying Guides, Texas, Virginia|

Physicians looking to practice in a more relaxed atmosphere may be considering opening their own private surgical practice. According to the American Medical Association, close to 46% of practicing physicians owned their own practices in 2018. Additionally, nearly 65% of surgical subspecialists own their practices, as do 54% of ob-gyns. Although the trend [...]

Texas Physicians 2023 Buying Guide to Medical Malpractice Insurance

By |2024-08-12T05:14:30-05:00August 10th, 2020|Malpractice Insurance, State Buying Guides, Tail Insurance, Texas|

Get A Quote Texas Medical Professional Liability Insurance Market Summary Doctors in Texas have a handful of good options for medical malpractice insurance. The top insurers are: The Doctors Company Medical Protective (MedPro) TMLT Norcal Mutual Insurance Company ProAssurance [...]

Medical Malpractice Insurance for Arizona Doctors

By |2021-10-14T18:32:11-05:00November 8th, 2019|Arizona, Consulting, Malpractice Insurance, State Buying Guides|

MEDPLI delivers “A” rated professional liability coverage to medical doctors practicing in Arizona. As an independent broker, MEDPLI works for doctors to ensure they receive strong protection, while lowering premiums for doctors who deserve discounts for their good claim history. MEDPLI helps physicians who are changing jobs (need tail insurance?), starting new practices, [...]

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