2025 Illinois Medical Malpractice Insurance Buying Guide
GUIDE: Overview of Illinois medical malpractice insurance rates by specialty, top carriers, payout statistics & state regulations. Get a custom quote here.
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GUIDE: Overview of Illinois medical malpractice insurance rates by specialty, top carriers, payout statistics & state regulations. Get a custom quote here.
Illinois Surgeons - read our independent Medical Malpractice Buying Guide for info on cost, ways to save money, recommended carriers, tail insurance & more.
MEDPLI's Illinois Neurosurgeons Medical Malpractice Buying Guide provides info on how to get the best rates, top carriers in the states, requirements & more.
Illinois OB/GYN Guide to Medical Malpractice Insurance Over 60% of Illinois’ medical malpractice premiums increased by 10% or more in 2022, according to an American Medical Association report. Practicing in a high-risk specialty, Illinois OB/GYNs are likely to be more affected by premium increases since they typically need coverage with higher liability [...]
Illinois Plastic Surgeons Need Robust Malpractice Coverage While most of the ongoing demand for cosmetic plastic surgery procedures occurs in the highly populated Chicago metropolitan area, Illinois plastic surgeons are also sought after in the state’s smaller cities and downstate rural areas. However, data from the National Practitioner Data Bank (U.S. Health [...]
Illinois Needs Bariatric Surgeons Across the State Illinois needs bariatric surgeons not only in the metropolitan Chicago area, but also in less populated rural areas in the southern part of the state. With 34.1% of adult residents having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher, Illinois ranks 26 among U.S. [...]