TOOL: Medical Malpractice Payouts by State

LAST UPDATED: April 27, 2024

The data is now updated with payout information through 2023.

This tool can be used to filter medical malpractice payout data from the National Practitioner Data Bank. It contains data from 2015 through 2023. Use the toggles to filter to different states and years. You can easily clear the filters by hitting a refresh of the page.

Medical malpractice payout data can be useful for doctors and anyone in healthcare who wants to get a sense of what the medical malpractice payout landscape is like in different states. You can also find out more about each state by reading our medical malpractice insurance state buying guides, which contain information for each state on tort reform, medical malpractice insurance carriers, state guidelines for minimum coverage amounts, approximate rates for each specialty, and more.


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